
Just saying hi



06-10-2014, 08:59 PM

Sibelle was wasting no time in getting to all of the pack's leaders. That in itself was a great sign of a wonderful leader. Maija Artenie didn't stray from her sister's side as they continued to walk as a pair to the next location. Usually, someone would be tired from all of the miles and time spent doing something as large as this. Maija, however, was used to it and would not complain as her paws began to feel rough. She knew they had been given to her for a reason and she would use them until they fell off.
Maija didn't have any weariness about her as they reached Olympus's borders. Rumors of how great this pack was and how their wolves held themselves made Maija immediately think of Pandora. The young girl was full of herself already and at such a young age, it could be a bad sign. Even though Maija was firm, she had an idea that her Taurig look-a-like didn't tell her everything. It was something she would have to live with, and the consequences would come later. Karma was involved with everything in the world.
She stood to the right side of Sibelle as they waited for someone to appear. All the while, she continued to be on the alert for any strange signs or movements. Her golden tail twitched behind her as her stony expression remained on her smooth face. Head held high as she listened for anything that would break the silence.
