
sharing is caring


06-10-2014, 10:15 PM

So Isar was sick. That was too bad, she had liked them last time they had met. Hopefully he would survive this and it seemed that this woman was ruling in his place. "You suit the role well." Vi replied easily, studying the youngster with an easy smile.

Athena remained impassive, only stealing a glance at the bundle Vi had brought with her when the mention of a cure was brought up. There was interest there and Vi planned to exploit it. Finally a tint of a smile touched her lips and she spoke, speaking of glaciem and it's ways. Honestly. Vi knew a bit too much about them. "That is all I ask. Covari itself is a more neutral pack but I have plans. Schemes if you would. I think one day we might be able to help each other?" Maybe she was saying more then she should but Athena seemed ambitious, she seemed like she knew what she wanted from life. Maybe she would be interested in coming along for the ride in Vi's world domination plans.

After a moment Athena would ask of the herbs and Vi would reach down, reaching into her leaf to pull out a mouthful of the three herbs before reaching forward to place them before Athena. "They are alfalfa, horsetail and valerian root. All to be ingested. I will be traveling to each pack to give out the herbs as well." Vi said easily, hoping she would be okay with that even if Vi wasn't. She wasn't looking forward to visiting Valhalla herself.

Table by Azil