
share your knowledge and achieve immortality


06-10-2014, 11:27 PM

She knew too much of this pack, she knew too much about it and its current leader. She and Erani hadn't exactly gotten along on their last meeting and Vi wasn't about to let that go. As well.. She had made a promise to her brother. For now she would power through it, force herself to approach the boarders one step at a time even as teeth ground around the leaf basket she carried. Half of her wanted to turn around, the other half wanted to shred the herbs right then and the. The only thing that stopped her was the knowledge that her brother was here. That he had a family here and that they were also her family. Family was everything after all. She stopped a short distance from the boarder, dropping her bundle as always but for once she did not sit, instead standing tall. Though tail remained at a neutral position she held herself with dignity. Head tipped back and an easy howl flowed out, calling for an alpha and her brother and any other healers who might want to come. More then anything she wanted to see her brother though. As the howl cut off head would tip down slightly and lantern gaze would slip across the plains laid out before her. Weird place...
