
The joy discord can bring



4 Years
06-11-2014, 07:39 AM

Isolde could feel the gentle hum of electricity that crackled between their bodies. She could see the relaxation in the golden touched girl's smile, such a sight would ease her features and her body would visibly relax as Pandora made a step towards her. "I always come through with my promises." then suddenly the other girl was touching her, making good on her promise in finding the burs. They were stuck rather well, the first bur taking the cobalt the several minutes to dislodge, but the close company was not distasteful. The young appaloosa marked girl would feel a rather unpleasant tug as Taurig's descendant loosed the seed. Her delicate lips would usher forth a uncomfortable protest, but as she did so her companion's gentle tongue would soothe her skin.
Russet body would relax as she was doted upon, Pandora's care obvious in the gentle yet efficient movements down her body. The other girl would take her time, Isolde would shiver involuntarily as the golden gilded girl's nose caressed her spine and lower back. Obvious chills would run over her skin as her massage would end at her luxurious tail. The last bur would be freed thanks to this mystery girl. "I think I got all of them...They weren't hard to find and set free..." Her golden glazed chocolate gaze would find her companion's cooler hues. Isolde would smile sheepishly, her elegant limb shuffling forward to draw lines in the sand as her eyes were averted.
She couldn't remember the last time someone had taken such good care of her. It hadn't been much time that the cobalt goddess had doted on her, but the time spent had been rather luxurious. "You're so careful.." she would whisper, gaze shyly finding the other girl's features again, "Why did you bring me out here, I don't even know your name?" she had an urge to curl herself against the other girl, she wanted to feel the electricity that had surged between them before. However the timid dove would keep herself still.

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