
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


06-11-2014, 11:36 AM

The offer that was laid before her surprised Aislin. On the council? And here Aislin thought she would just be accepted as a normal member. Oh, this was going to be fun. Already she was in a higher spot, and she had lookers at her side to count. Aislin smirked at this, and nodded. "I would be more than happy to serve on your council. What is it that you will require of me while on the council? Is there more to the council than discussing pack issues, or is that the only thing?" Aislin had never really been on the council before, but with her paw in the door, there was really no way that she could decline. It seemed that Viridiana wanted here there for a reason, so she couldn't decline. Being part of the interworkings of a pack by simply supplying her opinions, suggestions, and ideas was still very interesting none the less, as she was now part of this pack

"Regardless, I do believe I can hold my own within the council. Though, the 'not just yet' part in the becoming a sex toy intrigues me. It makes me wonder what your other secret plans are for me." She gave a wink to Viridiana as she nudged him on the shoulder, which was a silent gesture that he pay attention to Viridiana, or some other means. Aislin recognized the signs and decided that Cru should go back to paying attention to Viridiana for now. After all - she didn't want to take something that wasn't hers to begin with.
