
Sibelle x Crucifix alpha pups



10 Years
09-13-2014, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2014, 02:12 PM by Harmony.)

[ ?Belladonna "Bella" Black? ]

Gender: female

Alignment: chaotic good

Quote: { General } Bella seems to be quite the outsider of her family, inheriting few traits that her siblings have been blessed with. Her hues seem to lean toward her mother's side of the family, yet some of her hues and such come from her father as well. Set inside her well-shaped face lies a set of shimmering amethysts, carved from the very hues of her sire.

filler space for a lineart maybe

{ Development } The world will first see the small child as a muddled ball of slate-grey fur, with a indiscernible white streak upon her right shoulder, which will grow to be a classic family mark of her father's doing. As she grows and develops, these markings will become clearer in shape and color, her petite face darkening as well as delicate limbs. As she nears juvenile age, her cross upon her shoulder will appear to take form, a gorgeous alabaster sharply contrasting the rest of her pelt outlined in the very hues that darken her appendages.

[Image: bella1_by_xx_starry-d7zf5u7.png]

{ Final Appearance } Bella will have grown to be a beautiful lady, her base consisting of a lighter slate blue gradient edged toward her tail, rather than upward and down, her plush plume noticeably darkened than the rest of her base coat. Her legs have since elongated since she was a child and gained a notable height, reaching past her father, but not her mother, standing at an easy thirty-five inches tall with a weight average of about a hundred pounds, commonly fluctuating and rising due to food sources and many other factors. Each limb is covered in a short layer of dark down, a dark obsidian with a slight tinge of slate, and all paws except for one is dipped in the lighest of her base coat, that being her right hind paw. It seems her right legs are completely different from her left, and that said, her right shoulder has fully developed it's cross, a clear shape in pure alabaster outlined in the dark hues of her body, stretching downward, considerably larger than most of her lineage. Her petite face has darkened entirely in the same colors, save for her eyebrows and slightly oversized ears. Elegantly carved amethysts have been set into stone upon her face, displaying brilliant colors against her rather bland color scheme. Each lock of fur is often well-groomed as she holds her regal posture, yet she is not afraid to get her fur shaggy in a test or a fight.
Quote:From the start, the child will love duels. Always will keen eyes and erect ears observe the activity day and night, for years. The call of challenge always beckons the child forth, as she will idly sit by and watch eagerly, growing a bit of a lust to spar with others, and to practice fighting so that one day, she may be as good as her mother. As she grows and develops her skills by practice and training, she will grow to be used to using her sense of hearing and smell to determine location rather than purely sight.

Inside the fierce little warrioress heart she has lies a golden core, a kind spirit of positivity swirling into the air. Always an aura of happiness will radiate from the tempest, and little negative thoughts will slip through her splayed lips. She believes close bonds with pack-mates and family are keys to a good life, and whilst it is true, she still fears naught of anything happening to her family, and often goes out of adventures to find dueling partners and friends to make for the long run and to drag home. ( Yes, even guy-friends. )
Plans for the future: to be a mommy's girl and watch her duel and spar lots and learn how to fight like a bamf.