
The drums of war


09-13-2014, 10:06 PM

He would approach, bolding coming to her side, close enough to nibble at her ear. Her entire body would go still as he stepped away, his head lowered, his pale frame tensed, ready to take whatever she dished out. She had imagined that in this moment she would explode. Tear into him and spit curses at him. But she found herself eerily calm. She would not look at him for a long moment, mulling over her thoughts instead. When she did finally look at her, indigo orbs had melted into liquid fire. Anger still churned in her belly, still scorched her veins.

"You love me." She wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question. Her gaze would clash with his if he allowed it. There was a tense pause in her speech before she continued. "And yet, you allow not only myself, but Hypnos to be claimed as a slave." Lyrics were deceivingly soft, dripping like honey from her lips. Though that honey was poisoned.

"Why?" The single question rolled off her tongue. She didn't know why she asked, she didn't care. Perhaps some part of her enjoyed the sick torture it would cause him to think back on his choice of throwing her away so easily. Her body once again began to tremble with unspoken rage, but otherwise she maintained nearly perfect control.
