
>> we will all burn together.



06-11-2014, 03:38 PM

The woman would remain pure with every step she took. A single delight coated in raw ebony. He would circle her like a simple minded Shark. The girl saw nothing of it. Sure, her yearling yearnings for touch and pleasure were unyielding due to her lack of, but she saved herself for the one true Elysius King. Her Brother. The man that weaved himself around her with his muscular frame and needy little eyes was not her brother, so her legs would remain shut and the heat within them out of site. As he sucked in her delicious words the woman tilted her lovely head and watched him as he chuckled before letting forth his baritone words infused with a heated lust. "I see." He said before pausing a moment, "So far we may have something in common." The woman did not think much of it. Nephele was use to meeting rogues as she wandered but she did lie, the bitch did have one true home. The Soulless Forest, but now it seemed to be under the false rule of some whore. Her hackles twitched as she thought of the horrors of her home being held by some ignorant bitch.

As the boy began to chuckle again she had gotten herself into a horrible mood. But, it did not show. Her emotions would never show. Nephele watched as his arse plopped onto the ground before her. Delitful eyes slithered up his frame without a single ounce of shame like before. Yet, when she asked for his name he responded incorrectly. The words, "It's not important," would spew from his inky mouth without a second thought. Of course it mattered. He could be some known rapist or a bandit. One of those Armada men or someone else she hated. She always required a name, yet he would ask such a stupid question. "And even if I did, what would a dove like yourself do with it?" The woman rolled her eyes without care, oh she was in a bitchy mood now. Nephele sat up and stared into his eyes as her now devilish voice slithered from her ash covered jaws. "I require the name of a man that has come so close to me. For I should turn away now, without it. It just shows you are either some sort of bandit or something else along those gross lines. A woman of my stature will not communicate with some un-named man." The bitch would stare at him with narrow eyes, yet she still had that little grin upon her lovely lips. "I would have wished my Knight wouldn't leave me so disappointed so soon." The girl sighed softly and kneaded the earth below her two toned paws.
