



8 Years
06-11-2014, 04:02 PM

His anger was not lost on her, but she tried to soothe him with her kisses and touch. But still he showed his teeth, still he growled and told her that she left. Othello backed up, her own teeth flashing at her beloved. Her hormones made any emotion she felt double, meaning her purple eyes flashed with his anger, feeding off of his own rage. "You expect me to stay in a pack full of sick wolves? I was doing it for our children." She spat, her elongated tail flickering behind her like an angered cat. "I couldn't see you, they wouldn't let me. They made me leave your side when you were sick for the safety of your heirs" Othello's vocals dripped venom, not even a dash of fear showing as her hackles raised. She cared not if Scorpion was mad at the moment, her own rage was consuming her robust form.

Othello's nose crinkled as she fought to calm her emotions, but she couldn't help it. He truly wanted her to stay within the limits of a pack that held sickness? Unborn pups are easily effected by their mothers surrounding, and she didn't want to risk losing one of them. "I tried to visit you, I attempted to sneak in and visit you when you were ill. Every time I did you thought I was a duplication of Orchid. Never once did you ask for me." Hurt laced her poisonous words. She wasn't there the whole time that she was sick, but whenever she was around him he didn't even recognize her, didn't even ask how she was while she was standing right before him. Creamy fur was on end now, tears welling up in her fierce eyes. "I have spent night after night in the cold winter while your pups grow within me, trying to cope with the fact that their father may be dying. I had to live on and protect myself while sickness racked your body, and you wanted me to stay around that? Did you even think of me while you were ill Scorpion? Because I did. Every night I prayed for you to be healed, I sat and stared at the stars and wished for you to return to me. I haven't slept a solid night since you left, because I am not the same without you. But just once, did you ever ask for me? Did you ever ask how our pups were fairing?" Othello didn't allow a single tear to fall, although they threatened her.