
I've got something to say



7 Years
06-11-2014, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 04:47 AM by Emer.)

There had been times that Emer wondered if there would ever be a way to cure the illness but at last it seemed something was working. Cecily wasn't quite back to her usual self but she was definitely getting there. Their isolation period had ended just in time for the young girl to find her mischievous streak once more and she was likely out causing who knew what chaos with her siblings. A part of the mother longed to track them down though knowing how much they'd missed each other she had chosen to give them a little bit of fun first.

It was in her nature as Emer Lasair and as a mother to worry about them, they could grow and grow but already she knew that to her they would always be her babies and that worry would never fade completely. Slowly but surely at least she was becoming aware of the fact that the rest of the pack wouldn't allow them to get into too much trouble. Perhaps it was down to the further compassion that Erani had demonstrated to her during the epidemic but for the first time in a long time Emer felt somewhat relaxed.

She lay outside of her den, though she too was now free from it she still didn't have quite the taste for exploring that her children did she was happy and content lying where she was, even despite the snow around her. There was only one thing really that could make the situation better and that would be to have her little family around her, close by within her sights and if for no other reason but to watch their joy, see Cecily playing once more.