
The joy discord can bring


06-11-2014, 06:27 PM

Pandora's intense gaze remained on Isolde as she watched the girl sheepishly make random patterns in the dirt. A soft smirk appeared on her face as her eyes looked away, then back as she commented on how gentle Pandora's actions had been. Pearly white canines briefly showed themselves in a tender grin as Pandora looked back to the Appaloosa spots across the girl's hind flanks. "Only because I didn't want to hear you scream or moan...for the wrong reasons." Ohh, the words that could come out of her mouth! Taurig would have a fit.
She stood in the opposite direction of Isolde, giving her tail the opportunity to lightly flick against her right front leg. The cream-colored girl continued to ask why she had been brought here. All Pandora could do was lightly shrug, unintentionally showing off the designs that glimmered in the growing darkness. "I didn't bring you came on your own." It was true, even though Pandora kind of lured her with the right words and movements through the thicket.
Then, Isolde asked her about her name. Pandora's turquoise blue eyes gave off a more vibrant stare as she slowly lowered her head back to Isolde's tail. Nipping the tip playfully, she looked back up and swayed it side to side before moving on. She then let go and traced her nose up Isolde's right side, noting the crevices and tingling bits of her spine. Whatever fur she had sticking up would be smoothed down in the future, if Isolde allowed her to do so. So, the cobalt beauty met her little friend's ear with her dark lips and she softly whispered, "Pandora..." As her voice faded, she lowered her head to meet Isolde's gaze and a coy smile appeared on her lovely face. "Artenie." You could never leave out the last name. Her head ticked to one side as she watched Isolde before asking, "Who are you?"

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