
you can only have more for yourself by giving



06-11-2014, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2014, 07:51 PM by Gossamir.)

Gossamir looked between the strange red femme and back to Roman as she was given her instructions. The young femme caught up quickly. This was meant to be some sort of cure for the plague? but it was true if the alpha was not an ally she could easily poison any fool with their heart and mind pinned to their sleeve. Gossamir nodded and reviewed the ingredients. A master of poisons, trained young, she excelled in the deadly as well as the side effects of most plants. She'd only recently begun to learn how to actually heal with them.

"The alfalfa should be fine, it's a mild herb. The only harm large doses of that will cause is to a fetus. Same with the horsetail. It's pretty harmless, can't imagine what you'd use it for. Large doses of valerian root can upset or damage the stomach but that amount should be fine for a single wolf. Kind of a curious cure but worth a shot."

It was then Elli was on the scene, muttering and... bleeding? SHIT! Gossamir snatched up the herbs, enough for one as the red queen had taken the rest with her, and raced over to Elli. "Ellisandra, quick eat these!" Her heart was racing, praying that Elli could get the herbs down before a rage attack or seizures."

Sharpening my words...
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