
share, care, hug like a bear


06-11-2014, 08:03 PM

This howl was unlike the others Adelaide had heard recently. She was so used to the strangled cries of those who had fallen to the plague. Those cries echoed in her nightmares, accompanying the endless streams of blood. The healer snapped awake from such a nightmare when the call moved through her ears. Her body was weary as she pushed it from the earth, blue eyes searching the rock garden. In the distance, she saw the stranger, cloaked in a strange red coat. Or was that a remaining shred of color from her nightmare? Adelaide shook her head and a blinked once, then twice. No, the strange wolf still remained. Curious, the woman started moving forward. She soon was joined by a familiar blue bird that hovered at her side. Elijah had been visiting more recently now. The two had become quite the pair. But now the snowy maiden did not spare him a glance as she focused on the one who had called her.

Raisa and Hajime were closing in as well, their path parallel to hers. They reached the woman before Adelaide did, and the voice of Ebony's alpha was as calm and authoritative as it could be considering the circumstances. Adelaide gave a small nod as her bird companion came to rest on her shoulder. Being the healer that she was, the maiden couldn't help but notice that this visitor brought a small package of herbs. Could this be the cure they were waiting for? The cure Adelaide had tried so hard to find? Sapphire eyes would gleam with excitement as they awaited a reply.

"Adelaide Speech"
"Elijah Speech"