
I don't need pity..I need reassurance


06-11-2014, 09:43 PM

Everything was happening so fast. They had found the cure, Crucifix was getting better by the hour and she had immediately given it to Desiree, Scorpion and Fiamette. Her precious sweet girl had been through so much and now she would be grounded for a month. Not to mention soon she would have to bring her red babies to Olympus to allow Virgil to choose a child of Vi's to marry off to one of to one of Virgils. She wasn't sure how she felt about that still, not willing to let her baby girl go but open to the idea of her sons going to another pack to secure the future of their peace. So much to do, so much to do. That was why today she was rushing around as usual, moving between Orchid's den and Zara's temporary one to gather the rest of the herbs that they had stored for the summer. Of course some would be left, just in case the sickness came back or if the specific herbs were needed for their intended purposes. Soon she would find the massive leaf she kept in her den for carrying things though with winter it was beginning to brown and become brittle. Hopefully it would at least last this trip.

Long legs were carrying her back to her own den when she heard the howl, head lifting as audits swivelled to catch the sound. She recognized it but for a time she didn't believe it. Maija? She hadn't seen the golden woman since.. Well since forever ago. What had it been? Almost a year? She hadn't seen her since before Vi had even realized she had been pregnant and now her children were almost 6 months old. She only hesitated a moment before she pivoted and ran towards the boarder. It wasn't a lope or an easy stride, it was a run and she didn't slow until she caught the gleam of the sun on the woman's golden coat. A smile split across her lips as she slowed to a lope and then eventually a trot and then a leggy walk. Tail waved easily behind her as she approached, quite obviously happy to see her old friend. "MAIJA! Its been so long how are you? Taurig? The kids?" Vi asked, looking around to see if they were here with her.
