
love only grows by sharing


06-11-2014, 10:12 PM

The wait was not long and the woman who arrived was not the beautiful and elegant woman Vi had come to know and love. A soft whine would slip form her lips, head stretching forwards as if yearning to touch the woman and comfort her in some way. She was matted and dirty, dried blood flecking her pelt. She knew someone who was sick. Song would speak, going through formalities before asking about the disease and how Vi had been faring. "My wife, beta, daughter and a member of my council fell ill unfortunately. Its been? Taxing?" She said, sighing heavily. But she was here for a purpose, something it looked like Song needed. She reached into her leaf, folding down the edges before reaching down to pluck up a bundle of each of the three herbs she had brought with her. She leaned forward and placed them carefully before Song like a child bringing their mother a gift they weren't sure that they would like. "I promise it's not poison. The queen of Tortuga didn't greet me? Pleasantly. There is horsetail, alfalfa and valerian root there. If all are ingested together it seems to be the cure. My pack is healing slowly. It takes some time to cure completely." Hopefully they had wolves in their pack who could figure out dosages and had healers who had more if they needed more. Vi honestly hadn't learned much of healing while she had been here.

Table by Azil