
The Return Of the Son



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 12:46 AM by Erani.)
Okay. So? it?s been a very, very long time since Clash adopted Erani?s firstborn son, Castiel. I?m sorry to say that she maybe only did one or two posts with him. However, when he was played by Azazyl, he was slightly more active. With the Epidemic passing at last, I have decided to make the hard decision, and re-adopt Castiel out to the world. I love you Clash, and I hope that you come back to us with all my heart, but Erani needs her son back.

Now. Down to the nitty gritty.

I expect Castiel to be played like his new player would die if they didn?t get at least two out a day with him. He will remain Lawful Good, or Lawful Neutral, as he highly idolized his father, who was noble, though had been a pit fighting wolf before coming to Alacritis. (Azazyl played Nova, the father I speak of.) Castiel will be fully intended to go to Valhalla, and I will not allow inactivity to rise with him. It?s all and good if you?re just having a hard time with real life, but if you lose muse for him, or his activity drops, and no posts are made for one month, I am taking him back, and giving someone else a chance.

Castiel is fully grown at 39?. He?s muscular like his father, white like his mother, Erani, and has burning liquid golden eyes. He was always intended to be an honorable male, with a code of honor resembling the Protocol rules for a Warlord or Warlord Prince character in service to a Queen in the Shadow Realm of the Black Jewels Trilogy Series by Anne Bishop. The First rule Is to Honor, Cherish and Protect. And the Second rule is to Obey. If the second rule gets in the way of the first one, toss it out the window.

Castiel may be reserved after his long absence, and possibly trying to find a way to make up for being gone so long. His favorite sister is Surreal, an I expect for a close, big brother, little sister bond to reform, despite her and him being born in the same litter. They are the two firstborn children in the litter. Hurt his sisters, and there will be pain. A lot of it.

However, he has little to no experience with females. Flirting with him will likely be like flirting with a stone wall. He likely won't get the gist. He will be the kind of wolf to settle with one female, and only mate for love.

His voice is a deep, rumbling baritone, like thunder, and his accent will be more Russian inflected than his sister Surreal, as he had more contact with his father while out on their father son adventure. I?m saying that his father was maybe caught in a bison stampede in a far off land during one of their hunts, and Castiel, thinking he was dead, wandered, heading home, but got lost for over a year. (PS, Nova is actually alive, but he was kicked in the head and knocked silly, and has no memory of Erani or his children, or Valhalla/Alacritia.)

By the way, if you demand for him, I will refuse. There is a great difference between wanting him badly, and actually getting him and playing him consistently. Show me that you will be able to stay active with him by being detailed and work hard on that application form beneath, and I will consider it. But please, for heavens sake, don?t[//b] demand him.

Here is his profile:

Now. Down to the application form:


[b]Cbox or OOC name: This is required.

Appearance: I want a full 200+ word appearance here. Written from your own hand, in your own words, and not copied from his profile, though you may use it to reference from.

Personality: Again, 200+ words here. Perhaps note what all changes to his personality his long absence beyond Alacritia and his adventures in whatever lands there were out there made to his psyche.

RolePlay Sample: I want 300+ words here, and not a random post from some character that has nothing to do with Castiel. It must be a post of Castiel being played as you would if you got him.