
Roses blossom from thy tears


04-27-2013, 06:32 PM

As Thane sat eating his fish his white lined ears perked up out of curiosity as Ookami seemed a bit disturbed. The brute wondered what was wrong or if anything was wrong. His aqua blue eyes settled their gaze on they continued to eat. In mid-chew the dame lowered her head to her paws for a moment after looking at her side. Curiosity piqued Thane's mind once more as he wondered what was up. As the wolf continued to chew his food he listened to what his mate had to say.

Right when Ookami said the words,"tiny kicks", and "going to have puppies" was he in mid-swallow. Thane coughed for a moment as he tried to dislodge the fish in his throat then swallowed it. After a second of recollecting himself the brute immediately stood up and swiftly but gently went and licked Ookami's muzzle as,he nuzzled her with his black tail wagging a mile a minute.

"Tis great news!"he said with his voice muffled by her fur a bit but able for her to hear.

As Thane withdrew himself he smiled at Ookami for he was at a loss for words. Happiness was shown on his face as his tail continued to wag. Only did his smile start to fade as Ookami said that she felt dizzy before saying his name once more then passed out.

"Ookami?" he said as he nudged her face with his nose.

When no answer or movement came in return Thane went into panic! His beloved was unconscious and she carried their children! Was she alright? Were their pups alright? The panic-stricken brute knew he would have to stay calm but with all of this stuff all at once he fumbled for a thought of what to do. an idea hit the wolf's mind as he thought of Loccian, Octavian's sister. Would she answer to his call?

Thane rose his muzzle to the sky and bellowed out a long howl of distress for Loccian if she was near. HE did not know what to do but after that he went to Ookami's side and lay down next to her as he looked at her anxiously.

Another thought came to mind as Thane howled once more but this time for Cyril; his companion could be of help as well. Whatever could help his beloved he would settle for.

"Hang in there my beloved, I'll see to it that you get help." he said to her as he gently nuzzled her side.

How far was help? fear and anxiety filled the male's emotions as he waited beside his mate. The health of her and the pups was of the utmost importance!

Speech, Thane