
I've got something to say



7 Years
06-12-2014, 04:45 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 04:46 AM by Emer.)

Of course Valerius was included in that mention of her little family, albeit in in a rather confusing way. What was the man to them really, he'd certainly become very important to them though Emer wasn't exactly sure where he fit in. Cecily herself had once concluded that he was like a father to them, a fact that had silenced Emer because the logic truly couldn't be faulted. Of course though he wasn't actually the father of the three children, though Cecily had planned on asking him if he could be a part of Emer had hoped perhaps her daughter had forgotten all about that.

There was the man now, at the sound of his call Emer would shift her gaze over to his form a small smile forming across her features. It would grow at his comment and she would nod in response. "Yes, and she's very glad about it." She answered. "For once I am too." She figured he would completely understand her words. She was after all quite the worrier these days but it had been awful seeing her cooped up, physically unable to go out and play.

Unaware that her daughter had not only remembered her little plan to ask Valerius to be her dad but actually put it in motion Emer was completely unaware of the fact that there was anything that really needed to be spoken about. Of course she had begun to realise that some point down the line things would need to be addressed, whilst she had always been grateful for his help she had never expected that she and her children would occupy so much of his time and drag him so deeply into their lives. He likely wanted a family of his own at one point, and hers was bound to be more than a bit of a burden in achieving that. For perhaps only the second time in her life she found herself longing to be a little selfish, not quite ready to lose him yet, not that he had expressed any interest in distancing himself from them yet anyway.