
At Long Long Last

Thaddeus Rogue

04-27-2013, 07:01 PM
Thaddeus Rogue ideally walked about, he had heard talk of his elder sister, but had not seen head nor tail of her... But what confused the most out of him was talk of pups... Wasn't the ol' girl... Well to old to have pups? The made Rogue stop his walking for a split second to chuckle to himself. Thaddeus would never tell his loving sister that to her face, for one she would bite it off, and for another he had seen much stranger things on his travels, so he guessed anything was possible. So after his talk with Gargie he made his way to the heart of the territory, which looked the same as all the old one that the pack used to thrive in. There was snow, snow capped peaks.... and more snow... Nothing different. Rogue chuckled louder to himself, ah his family was so predictable, if it was cold they would be there. But as time passed and more wolves seemed to grow weary of his laughter and lingering Thaddeus Rogue ceased his humerus thoughts and moved on, his large paws and lanky legs doing what they do best, trot.

So with the thought of pups in mind, because god forbid one of his brothers actually helping him, Gargoyle left him to his own device with a welcome and a stern 'you must see Crusade', he had trotted off to deal with his kingly duties... Which caused Rogue to enter another fit of giggles. Gold his siblings where amusing. But all silliness aside Thaddeus Rogue moved near the caves that his brothers pack used as dens and started to use his strong nose to track the one wolven he wanted to see, Crusade.

Rogue nose to ground entered the caverns and started to fallow the faint trail that was left days ago by his kin, to only stop short, the smell transformed into something stronger, to his left, birth. The lanky male took off then, his tall legs carrying him fast through the cavern to the location of the birth. He was not the first wolven to arrive. There was a young female crowding the new mother (with that thought Rogue had to stuff and laugh) a matronly female that stood respectfully away but watch the goings on with a knowing eye, and a brute that positively glowed with fatherhood. Thaddeus Rogue knew the male from passing but he did not know him intimately just like the two females, but he knew they where important to his elder sister so he did not became aggressive as was his instinct said to.

Rogue moved into the cavern keeping his tail and head down, he was not a pack wolf, ad there for not allowed to join in the celebration, on most occasions; the one catch was that this was his strong sister, the one that raised him beside there mother, and the sister he looked up to. The male may get aggressive but he knew that Crusade would not let him attack her brother so he moved in closer to his elder sisters strong body but still kept himself low and far enough away from the brute that if he did turn on Thaddeus he had plenty of room to maneuver himself without hurting anyone in the process. "It seems I found you sister." His blue green eyes twinkling with good humor. "But at a bad time, if it was not for our brother maybe I could have came before the birth." Rogue looked at the green eyed male and bowed his head to him. "Congratulations. My elder sister and you are truly blessed in the birth of your young..." And that is when mischief filled his eyes, he looked at the male and then at Crusade. "Even though Crusade is passed her prime..." Well maybe he did have the balls to tell Crusade his first thoughts on the pups, and it was not just her mate that Rogue placed himself well away from, he had also place himself out of her reach and in a way not to hurt anyone where there to be... Affects form his statement.