


06-12-2014, 01:16 PM

Long legs pulled her forward at a casual swagger, tail flicking behind her as she slipped towards the battlefield with ease. She had taken this path only a few months ago, and she had no doubt in her mind that she would take this path many more times in the future. She felt calm and relaxed, loose and limber despite the fact that she had spent a few days traveling around Alacritia spreading the cure. Thankfully she had stopped at Ludicael last and Song had been kind enough to allow her to spend a day or so in her old den and relax by the hot springs. The steam had loosened the dried blood and debris that had collected in her fur over the weeks she had spent in the dens of the sick. It had also done well for her. She felt good, better then she had since before she had won Seracia.

It was a good day for revenge. Her only regrets being that her brother was long gone, that he wouldn't be able to see it. That she hadn't been able to tell Maia and Rune her plans. But her biggest regret was not getting there sooner, not being able to save him. To this day she still didn't know the males name who had killed Vixe, just knew it was Valhalla's fault. It was there fault and she would have her revenge. She would have a chunk of their alpha's flesh to bury along with her nephew's rotting corpse as payment. Though this alpha had not been directly involved she didn't care. World domination had to start somewhere and who better to start with then the weakest, the odd man out. The pack that if she won it might earn her an alliance with Glaciem.

It was all so perfect, all so ready. The scene was set, a slightly overcast day but the ground was packed down enough from travel thanks to the rouges that she wouldn't have to slug through the snow. Still, dainty paws would lift and drag through the snow languidly, a soft smile spreading across inky lips. Yes, it was all so perfect. At the centre the red woman would stop, heart fluttering in her chest with excitement as she allowed lantern gaze to sweep around. No one was here. Would her pack hear? Would them come? No... They weren't her pack a longer, not until she returned with another crown to pass out. They deserved so much better... Head tipped back as an eerie howl slipped forth, not calling for some unnamed alpha as she had before but instead calling for Erani. Yes. She knew the woman's name, knew her reputations. It would all end here...
