


06-12-2014, 07:37 PM

The red boy had scarcely left his sisters side since her mother had brought her back home after her kidnapping. He had taken up the duties of cleaning her face of blood daily and dribbling water into her mouth with bark. When he mother brother food he made sure she ate, even chewing for her if needed. He scarcely left her side, though he didn't understand why. He had never liked his sister before, thinking her to be spoiled and stupid for constantly leaving pack lands. Plus she picked on their sisters and he didn't like that. But in her frail innocence he felt the need to rotect her so he would. He would sleep sometimes curled next to her and other times curled close to the back of the den. When she awoke today she didn't cast a glance his way, instead pulled herself to her feet and set off after Hestia who was scampering off somewhere... Where was she going? Without even thinking he heaved himself to his paws, long gangly legs pulling him along at a lope after his sisters. The travel was fairly long and Fiamette was fast for a recovering wolf, eluding his presence the whole way there. But as they drew closer he realized where they were going. The battlefield. Solo had only heard of it in stories. Heard the tale of his mother winning her pack here.

This place. Was sick.

Blood both fresh and old splattered the ground, here and there bones as blessed as the snow poked up and out. Were those wolf bones? Bi coloured eyes blinked in confusion and amazement as he padded along without really paying attention to his destination. There was a path in the snow now, apparently more then just his sisters had come here. After a moment the scene would unfold before him. His mother stood there admits the land of white with a rather large gathering around her facing off against two wolves and a strange critter with long hair on it's extremely long neck. It's face looked like a bison but no horns and less cool looking. Were they hunting this creature? Solo looked to his mother but that wasn't why it seemed. Then he would look to the other two wolves there on the other side facing his mother. One looked familiar. Or at least the cross on his shoulder looked similar. It looked like Uncle Cru's! He wanted to go say hi but something told him he should stay with his family.

Slowly the young male would slink towards the other side, moving past aunt Sib who had been oddly scarce lately and Miss Svan towards Heatia and Fiametta who sat even further way but still apart. He would smile gently to Hestia but did not move towards him, instead moving to his twin in pelt color but not in markings. Where she bore black he bore white. Strange how that worked. There was another child there talking to her, rattling off a billion questions that made Solo crack a bit of a smile. "She makes me dye it for her every morning..." He said jokingly, though he fell a bit more somber after that, moving to sit beside his sister, head lowered and ears folded back. There were a lot of other wolves around here who he didn't recognize. "What's happening?" He whispered to Fia, leaning slightly so no one else would hear. Was their mother being challenged? Was this weird hairy, hornless buffalo challenging for their home? Solo hadn't really learned much about the battlefield and was a bit oblivious as to what was going on around him. He had missed all the praise so all that was left was what his sister could tell him.