


06-12-2014, 01:51 PM

The woman had been promoted to the head of the council in Covari. It felt nice to have power once again. The woman grew close to her Queen. She could sense power and strength when it came to the crimson lady. Vi knew it was a good choice to promote her, it was the obvious choice. Svanerna was a leader at heart. She led a pack back in the other lands with her darling family. The Finnvi. The woman was meant to rule. Her mentality was harsh and strict yet she has a nice and warm side. Svan birthed a few sets of pups, allowing her to realize the importance of life but she also knew how ignorant people could get. The woman was a perfect leader, yet she was stuck beneath the crimson Queen. It did bother her, but she was loyal until she got her own pack. The woman was growing old therefore she would have to pop out a few more litters of demons before she started pushing up daisies. Though, the plans were for a much later date, for now she would answer the call of Vi with urgency.

Svanerna heard the call of Viridiana and instantly pop up from her resting spot. Her older bones popped as she quickly ran to the source of the call. Lighter colored paws pounded upon the earth like war drums with each step. Her slightly moist fur stood on end. The call was one of a fight, but why was her Queen fighting. Svanerna heard no word of a challenge. The Germanic vixen moved her way to the snow covered bits of the very well known battlefeild. Her tail swayed upon her rear and her hackles were raised in only the slightest to ward off crazy bitches. The woman spotted her Queen who abandoned her throne for another. Svan tilted her head and trotted closer without a care, she would merely cheer her leader on, having faith in her decisions. Yet, if they tumbled down then Svanerna would do only what was right for herself. The temptress stood tall and let her eyes slip to her Queen, slightly behind her, on her left. "K?nnen Sie die blutigen Thron behaupten." Her voice would slip through the brisk air softly, wishing Vi that she claims the throne. Yet her dark vocals would enter the atmosphere once more, "I will be here for you, my Queen. Good luck." The lady took a step back and waited for the challengers to enter the scene.
