
My Promise To You


06-12-2014, 01:53 PM

These woods were exactly how Adelaide remembered them. Her memories from that night were blurry and distorted, but she still remembered the unnerving darkness within. Her snowy coat glistened in the moonlight, her sapphire eyes wary and unsure. This was not the kind of situation she wanted to be in. Adelaide had always been an independent creature, free to make her own decisions based on sound logic and instinct. And right now, every instinctual thought in her mind was begging her to run. This was not safe. She should not be here. But she had a promise to keep.

So the woman drew in a breath of cold winter air and tried to calm her thoughts. After tonight, this would all be over. She had nothing to worry about, really. Kristoffer was a man with a good head on his shoulders. He held pride in his family name and knew better than to commit any heinous crimes. He would not hurt Adelaide. He would spend this night with her, and then he would never see her again. That would be their new promise.

The maiden came to rest in the center of the woods, not far from where they had spent their first encounter. Her eyes closed and she sighed tersely through her nose before lifting her head to the sky and sending a call into the night. She had offered one more night for the exchange of her safety. Adelaide always kept her promises. Unfortunately.