



2 Years
06-12-2014, 02:13 PM

The young pup slipped forwards, although a far distance behind the others, her head down low, hiding the scar on the right side of her face that the wolf had given her; hopefully it wouldn't be forever. She hadn't seen her companion in forever, although it hadn't been long after the night that she was scractched, and she was beginning to wonder if he was okay, or if that ebony wolf had hurt him somehow. Narrowed blue eyes met the ones of the wolf she had been trying to attack, and she scooted backwards, the fur on her back rising for just a moment before she noticed that the ebony wolf was not here. Hestia glanced at her mother, then away, closing her blue eyes for a moment before she heard the slight flapping of wings made her open her eyes and look up, just as her companion landed on her paw, and he watched her before let out a low sigh, and closed his eyes before speaking. "My Queen, I think that attacking that wolf was a bad idea. Now you're scarred up, and your mother is mad at you. Why don;t you go apologize to he-". Hestia broke the vampire bat off, muttering to him, a slight growl in her voice. "I'm not apologizing to anyone. She doesn't care about me. She doesn't care about Arisu, Vivek, or Solo. She only cares about Fiamette."

Hestia pulled herself to her paws and moved closer to her mother, her tail tucked between her legs and her head lowered. She tilted her head and watched her mother slightly, before speaking, her voice a little raspy and rough. "I wish you the best of luck, mother." With a dip of her head, Hestia move back and watched the rest come, although she was far away from the little crowd.
