06-12-2014, 03:29 PM
I'll be doing more family art ;D also this should be set before the meeting
Twig |
She'd see him admire her smile before he would nod in agreement to her statement about Odette. She wouldn't hear his comment, but her ears would swivel curiously. He wouldn't repeat himself, and silently she would wonder what he'd been musing about. She hoped he'd been spending good amounts of time with the girl, he needed someone to distract them from their lost mother. She was no good, her emotions were too fragile to provide support to her brother. He would lean into her form, listening to her words. He would look off into the distance, she wondered if he too was warring with the emotions that filled him. She wondered what he was thinking, sitting there with her, thinking about the question she gave him. She would still sit though, patient for his answer. She didn't know what she had to do to help him when he didn't tell her, so with a reassuring kiss he'd let her know. "Nothing is wrong, Ash. Just thinking about all that's happened since...we separated. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure what you've been up too lately, besides hanging out with that guy all the time. But I'm glad you have a friend, we could all use one during these times." She wondered how he didn't know all she'd been doing was sleeping. She was trying to recover from the birth, from the heartache she'd suffered. "Just trying to get better I guess. Alpine occupied a den not far from where she and Jinxx shared their own, he always seemed to be around when she needed him, it was an easy friendship. He kept her mind away of all the hurt that wanted to overwhelm her being. He would not really satisfy her inquiry, but it was likely she'd try again later. She didn't want a rift between her and her brother. So, tell me a bit about your friend. You two seemed... pretty close. From my understanding." Her smile would grow just a bit brighter as Alpine was brought back to her mind. Thinking of what she'd been doing the last month was rather rough, darkness would beckon at the edges of her vision. So she would put her heart into focusing on her best friend. "I met him before.. uh... rather right after I got here. He brought me a rabbit because I was too round to hunt." She would giggle lightly, her eyes staring off into the past. "He came to see me.. after. And he cried with me." Her voice was a bit distant now. "He's cheered me up, and made me smile, and showed me that there's more life worth living." She wondered then, if Jinxx realized how dark her life had gotten. "He came with me.. to visit Fern's grave with me." Her voice would crack, tears welling up into her eyes. Alpine meant a lot to her. |