
New Home (Frosts)


06-12-2014, 04:59 PM
Hel's ears pricked towards her father as he explained about Imena's absence. For a second, the gray and black female frowned, poison green eyes fixing her father as he mentioned this. Imena wasn't coming? She felt slightly abandoned by this knowledge - and then even more abandoned when her father casually mentioned that Imena had her own mate and wanted her own children. Hel curled her tail around her paws, making herself smaller at that as she gazed at Loki. They had been abandoned, it seemed.

Still, when her father turned his attention towards her, Hel brightened obviously, padding up to her father as Aksel retreated and butting against her father's leg. "Right here is good!" Hel proclaimed happily, beaming up at the black male. He would be happy, right? If Imena wasn't going to come, and all that was left was her father - and uncle Thor and Uncle Baldur and everyone else, but her siblings and her father were the only really important ones.

Tail wagging easily against the earth, Hel nuzzled up against her father. "But maybe we could look together?" Hel offered, glancing at Aksel's retreating figure.
