


06-12-2014, 05:16 PM

"Pray For Your Salvation"

The boy was cured, still recovering from his sickness. The plague that had wracked his body had taken quite a toll on him, but it would not deter him nor keep him from finding out what was going on. Wearily, he would lift himself from the ground on which he slept. A cough slipping past his raw throat as he stood, and a single shake of his head to try and rid his mind of the headache that threatened to cling to him. The howl came from the battlefield, which was not too far away from Valhallan lands. He was not sure what was going on, but it was not the first time he had heard a call similar as that. It seemed, Valhalla was being challenged. For what purpose, he knew not.

Black paws carried him with purpose towards the fields, his body raising itself as much as possible, for he did not want to show weakness to the eyes of those present. However sick he might feel, he would arrive with dignity and guarded eyes. He was not usually one to be violent, but it seemed those who threatened his family, or even the place where his family resided, thought otherwise. It would take some time for him to arrive, for his steps were slow due to aching muscles and the strain of so much movement. He was ordered to rest, but how could he at a time like this? The cross marked male would arrive at last, oceanic blue eyes seeking out a group of others who appeared on the opposing side. They were all unknown to him, but it seemed the lead challenged would be the one standing at the head of the rest. A woman as red as blood, and her aura demanded business. She was not here to play around, that much was obvious. Did she not know Erani was old? Perhaps it was that reason she would challenge was cowardice to prey on the old and weak. But Erani, he knew...was not weak.

He would stand tall, simply eyeing those that were gathered. He knew those of Valhalla who truly cared would be arriving shortly, and he would support his queen with all that he could. If the opposing team played dirty, he would not hesitate to charge into the fray. It would be dishonorable of them, but he did not expect others to play fair...often, those of dark hearts and minds seldom did.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark