
The Land of Always Winter (Covari join?)



2 Years
06-12-2014, 06:30 PM

He was still regaining the strength in his limbs, forced to rise early each morning and run until the stiffness came free of his joints and he could laugh and swallow the territory in his stride. When he had first left his den illness free, his muscles had felt like jelly. Too long had he been sick, lying in long silence's and having no way of keeping up his strength as the illness wasted him away. His first actions as he left the den after Vi, his first action as temporary Alpha had been to clean himself thoroughly in the nearest stream, wash away every last trace of sickness that clung to him until his skin shone as bright as his violet eyes and he truly felt good at last.

The days following proved difficult, but worth it as he rebuilt himself from the ground up, with his running and hunting and tackling trees he must have made a strange sight. It was only when he woke up today that he finally felt fully himself, strong healthy clean and whole, everything ticked from his list and the sickness long gone from him. Today was a good day to watch over the pack and ensure the others where recovering as quickly as he was. He moved first to the healers den, knowing orchid had taken part in finding the cure that had eventually freed them.

With a thank you, he was moving from her den and further into the pack when a call would sound out through the territory. Head would tilt to the side and a half smile would twitch at his lips, it seemed his responsibilities as Alpha would be calling to him today. He made an easy lop to the borders where the woman waited. He looked her up and down, to the soft browns that adorned her skin, and the lightness of limbs that perhaps marked her as a hunter of a fighter. He stilled himself here, seating his rump on the earth a few feet from her. ?Hello Stranger, this is Covari, and I am an Alpha here ? what brings you to our borders?' he would ask pleasantly.