
lady diamond in the sky


06-12-2014, 06:55 PM

She was oddly calm for all that had happened, and for the pain that had encompassed her now. Perhaps she was simply to use to blocking everything out, all types of pain, pain of memories and pain of body, what was the different? She pushed walls about herself, the world took on a dreamlike quality and she would smile lazily up at her boy, all her attention caught on his words.. he had called her his love and for some reason that was all she could think about. Those words danced about her, a living thing she could almost reach out and catch.

His voice was a lullaby, soothing, soft and reassuring like he was telling her that everything would be okay. A soft sigh would escape her lips, he seemed... so oddly.. far away like a thousand miles where between them. She wanted to reach out a paw to help close that distance, but when at last she tried to move she would clench her jaws and a hazy pain would coat over her protections ? broken, the paw was definitely broken.

His voice had floated down to her, and she struggled to make sense of the words he had spoken. Another dreamy smile would float across her lips. ?Spring? the answer would slip unbidden from her lips. She missed spring, their was something beautiful about all the new life and the energy in the world. The sunlight and warmth and love that was everywhere in spring..
