
Roses blossom from thy tears


04-27-2013, 09:14 PM

Her eyes twitched underneath her lids as she struggled against the searing pain that resided in her head. What was happening, what was going on. One moment she was eating fish, talking to thane about their puppies, then darkness. Ookami's legs twitched as she laid there trying to wake up. A small whimper escaped her maw, her eyes twitched some more under her lids. Ookami forced her eyes open, the light that entered her eyes made her flinch. She could smell the other wolf that was not Thane.

She turned to Thane's scent, she nuzzled his fur her stomach begun to turn. The noises, scents, light was killing her head, Ookami stood up her back arched and she begun to vomit up the fish she ate. Her head pounded against her skull, as her legs collapsed under her. She had no idea as to what is happening, Ookami did not know if her babies are alright. She wanted her babies to be alright. "Thane... Puppies.. Are the...Puppies....O..O..Ok"

She said as she closed her eyes, The pain had knocked her out once more. What was this all about, is she alright, what was going to happen. Ookami did not know, she hoped that things will be fine, she wanted her babies to be alright. That is all that mattered to her at this point in time.
