
All I can see is blood


06-12-2014, 09:41 PM
pp permission given by lolaf ~

The phantom?s demands are met in full; the silver temptress relinquishes her hold upon her brother?s allegiance without so much as batting an eyelid, leaving the Elysius wraith with the faintest hint of satisfaction. And yet, as her mismatched gaze devours the sovereign?s intricately-marked countenance, she takes brief notice of the gore that cascades from her coral eyes and contempt flares in her chest; so it is the queen?s fault that her sibling has contracted this most grueling plague? Silver and violet gaze narrow upon the woman and refuses to waver even as she pivots to flee the scene--behemoth child in tow--leaving the Elysius duo with one final and subtly threatening suggestion before the perpetual mists of the forest consumes both of their gargantuan forms and the two siblings are left to their own devices. Bitterness clouds the paladin?s diseased mind and her attention returns to her sickly brother, indifference retaining its claim upon her porcelain visage. "I will take you somewhere safe,? she vows, her vocals a tender murmur as her gaze unites with his own and she glides towards his crown. Gently nudging his skull upon its side to expose the back of his neck, the phantom grasps his scruff between jaws that--for once--do not hold murderous intent, before tugging with all the strength invested within her in hopes of dragging him out of proximity of the cryptic wood they had once reigned supreme over.

? ? ? ? ?? ?--- exeunt artemis & novocaine