



06-12-2014, 09:48 PM

Finally she could rest soundly with the cure taking affect in Valhalla. Amia was now allowed to move back to the den with her and Cael and it felt whole again. She felt full, her mate by her side, her adoptive daughter safe and out of death's grip. Though Amia was still weak from the illness the spar in her eyes was returning. She didn't speak much either which worried Imena deeply. Had the girl had visions of her past that stole her voice away? Only time could tell and when Amia was ready to let her in.

She felt refreshened once more, able to look at the bright side of things again. That was till the howl for a challenge echoed out of the land. Blue eyes clouded with anger. Could Valhalla not go one season without something happening? Why must everyone be out for her home? She growled softly before trotting to the back of the den and preparing a bundle of herbs for the wounds to surely endure upon her packmates. Worry squeezed her heart for Erani. The woman was older, in her opinion far to old to fighting. The least Imena could do was support her Alpha, her mentor and friend and pray with all her might that Valhalla would not have to loose another home or Erani.

Hackles raised she hurried to the battlefield. Normally warm blue eyes were cold and hard. Her jaws firmly holding her wrap of herbs, tail held out behind her, streaming in the wind. It would not take her long to arrive there. At once she moved over to Jinxx's side, sizing up their opponents. Tail flick in annoyance. How could someone challenge a pack right after a plague? That was just heartless, no matter if this woman had been the one to give them the cure. They still needed time to heal.
