
Roses blossom from thy tears


04-27-2013, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2013, 09:44 PM by Thane.)
As Loccian answered his call Thane waited until she appeared. As his old friend appeared so did Cyril. The golden eagle flew from the sky and across the treetops as he let out his cry of arrival. Cyril landed upon Thane's shoulder as he looked at his master in question with those golden eyes of his.

"Master Thane is everything alright? I heard your cry for help and a cry for my own presence as well." then he looked at Ookami and saw her in her state."Is Mistress Ookami alright? is she sick?"

Then did Loccian ask what was wrong and the brute's fur bristled with anxiety, concern, and fear.

Before Thane could answer he felt Ookami nuzzle his fur and he nuzzled her back to comfort her. Then his beloved stood up and regurgitated her food. Her words were those of the puppies, would they be alright? The wolf hoped the puppies would be alright.

At the mention of puppies the eagle let out his statement.

"Puppies? Oh joy!young masters and mistresses!" he cried out until Thane glared at him with a cold aqua blue stare.

"There will be time for that later; I know you are excited as am I. But the health of Ookami and the puppies are of the utmost importance!" he said to his companion.

"Loccian, as you have heard Ookami is expecting; but earlier it seems as if she was affected y the heat or light. And now she has passed out once more after regurgitating her food. Is there anything you can do to help her? And do you think the puppies will be alright? I know this ma be a lot on you but please...she's the only family I have left at the moment besides Cyril; and she carries more." he pleaded to Loccian with concern and worry in his aqua blue eyes.

With that Thane went back to Ookami and tried to comfort her. He nuzzled her as Cyril looked over his shoulder with concern in his own eyes.

"Please help us...", he said in a soft pleading tone as he rubbed his head against his beloved's.