



8 Years
06-13-2014, 12:00 AM

She grumbled and kicked at things as she trailed behind Scorpion, her demeanor much like that of an angered cat. It wasn't her that was fighting, she would never imagine that with her pups so close to being born. But she was grumpy, and her paws hurt. The battlefield was so far away and she had to go all the way over there? Why couldn't they fight closer to home where she could watch it from the comfort of a nice, quiet den? Growling softly she trotted to catch up to her beloved, her angry kicking at things had made her fall behind. With her ears pinned back and fur on end she stalked into the arena, many wolves already gathered to watch the event unfold. "Don't you all have better shit to do than watch a fight?" She grumbled, mostly to herself.

Scorpion walked past Vi and she shot the queen a quick glance. The relationship between the two woman was shaky at most, but she did care for the ruby queen. She knew that she could kick her butt. "There better be some blood shed if I trudged all the way out here." She said, her vocals somewhat teasing. Somewhat. If this was a lame little kiddy fight she would jump in there and spill some damn blood herself. Stomping on heavy paws she glared at all the surrounding creatures, not just wolves had come. Was that a horse and a tiger? What the hell kind of zoo were they running here? Sitting beside Scorpion, she looked up with narrowed purple eyes."I better get a paw rub or something after that long walk." The mother-to-be snapped, her glaring eyes falling into the middle of the area. Was Erani not even here yet? "Oh come on, fight already! I have some children to grow and would like to do it at home, thank you very much."

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"