
Restless Stroll

Sixx I


04-27-2013, 09:49 PM
?? ?Sixx's blue eyes faded from sorrow to phycotic, his mind raging. His ryes flashing from Awaken to Merci, then back to his forgoten brother. A growl rumbling in the pit of his chest, his frown turning to a sadistic, bloodthisty smile. He rose off his haunches, ignoring the injuries Awaken gave him in the first fight.?
?? ? "Well kinslayer... I can see why you don't remember me or your pack. Your Friends are keeping you in the dark... "
?? ? ?He went to walk past his brother, his shoulder brushing lightly against the momentarily confused wolf. His eyes set on Merci. His pycopathic gaze settling on her throat, a primal want for blood coursing through him. His white pelt swaying, thick with crimson. His tracks even stained the snow the infernal color.?

?? ? ?The wind blew like cellos in the night air. The errie balk of a dying elk and soon all wildlife sat silent for a moment. As if afraid of Sixx's crazed rampage. The trees stood a shimmering grey against the cold background of the night. Their branches like the hands of a gnarled witch, reaching out to grab any wolf that passed by. ?

??"I'll just have to remind you..." he glared lunging at Merci. His arsenal of sharp teeth unsheathing and his blind rage. However his stride was cut short.