
Slinking Shadow


06-13-2014, 08:09 AM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



The edge of the ravine was a fitting perch for the sable demoness. She lived a life very much on the edge. The edge of sanity, the edge of conflict, the edge of despair. Liste was curled around herself at the very spot where forward movement would send her plunging into its depths. With her eyes closed there was naught but the sound of her steady breathing to make her noticeable within the darkness. Unless, of course, she decided she wanted to be noticed.

Sleep did not claim her, so she did not dream. Instead her mind was clear, thinking only of her desires and nothing more. She had not been sated in some time and they were beginning to creep back up on her day by day, tempting her to maim and feed. Part of her continued to reject the drama though, being in no mood to deal with others in any capacity. Despite her maniacal tendencies and distaste for company, Liste had wondered recently if she should seek out a pack for her survival. That thought remained avoided entirely this evening, however, as her wants began to consume her.

Approaching footsteps caught the attention of the female's perked ears and she slowly opened her eyes to reveal only slivers of golden light. They focused on the outline of another wolf, too light in color to be hidden completely within the night's shadows. Without moving her nose from beneath her tail she gave a warning growl and nothing more, the only opportunity the creature would get to avoid a painful encounter.