
New Home (Frosts)



3 Years
06-13-2014, 11:23 AM

Small black and red paws would strike the terra below her with an agonizing lethargy, the very marrow in her bones aching as her body strained to grow faster than it should, taking what little food she could manage in her state and using it to add inches, muscle, whatever it needed. It was hard to notice that she was even the slightest bit taller than the rest, her head drooping between her shoulders as she heaved her already thinning frame along. The snow bit through her paw pads, wormed it's way through her thick pelt, numbed her nose. Every now and again her tired green eyes would trail up to fixate on her father's tail, just ahead of her, swishing across his tall heels and goading her on. She had to keep moving, or they'd forget all about her. A shuddering breath would work it's way from her lungs, and she'd continue trudging along silently. Breath and energy was not there to be wasted on speech now, she had to keep pace.

Finally the caravan of a family halted in this odd place, with endless fields of snow and emptiness. However, the mirthful mind of the youngster was still managing to work up a few ways to make their new home a fun place. Where the rolling plains dipped and rose, they could make a place to slide down and roll in the snow. If the snow managed to deepen further, maybe they could make a patchwork of tunnels for only the pups, to hide and play, maybe sneak up on their da? Easing up to her da's side, she flopped down beside him and tried to regain her breath. His meager escaping body heat was enough, even as she rested her head against his leg and watched her siblings frolic. Oh how the girl wished she could join them, but her aching body protested to the slightest movement as it recovered from the trip.

Where would they make their home, she wondered. Here seemed like a good place, it would mean she didn't have to move, to haul her carcass off the ground and wander about looking for a suitable place. However, there was an odd little knoll in the snow, like it had buried a boulder, that might be more fun. Thumping her tril coloured tail upon the snow bound terra, she whined weakly to get her da's attention. "What's there, da?" She inquired with a hoarse, but undoubtedly curious melody, pointing her muzzle and training her gaze upon the spot. She wanted to know, oh how it burned her not to know what that odd little bump was. A rock? A cave? A bush, even? What could it be?

OOC: Den apologizes for crappy post and haitus. Den will try harder to be good alacritian.
