
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
06-13-2014, 12:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He said nothing immediately, only stared rather intently at her, and Tahlia took her gaze from his to look herself over. Well, she did look less conspicuous now, her fur slicked against her body as if she had only been fishing and likely with less of a telling scent upon her. The waters ran awfully fast; at least she could feel confident of their cleansing abilities. Just to be certain, however, she reached her head over one shoulder and tried to lick as high as she was able, glad when she tasted no blood from the new shallow bite against her neck. Hopefully it would go unnoticed.

She was just about to make a teasing, chastising remark to Bane about the bite when she heard his whine above the noise of the river. Immediately she turned her head to look his way, recognizing the sound within his voice, the need even after... Well, needless to say she did not expect it. He was already halfway to her, plodding through the rough waters, breath unnecessarily ragged for that short trip, and once at her side he kissed her cheek. Breathed against an ear, his question drew about a sudden smile and a swift, quiet response - "That would have been far too risky." Seracia had always been a dignified sort of pack as well as decently sized. There had been too much to do, as well as too many chances to be found out, to consider more than they had allowed.

Although, if Bane's behavior was any indicator, it hardly sounded as if their morning was over just yet. He hinted further at that as all of his nuzzles and licks and touches followed the line of her back, progressively stirring up more tingling sensations as he went. Did he really-- Oh, but maybe he did. His hold against her tail had not been painful but she drew in a sudden breath just the same, feeling her startled heartbeat start to accelerate excitedly as she turned her head to peer at him behind her. That look about his face accompanied by that growl. There was little question left as he let go of her tail to lift himself over her, pull her close, and grip her neck again, her body suddenly tense with anticipation. Just vaguely she wondered whether he might have only intended to tease her again, to stir her up one last time before-- Oh. Apparently not.

She was breathless all over again by the time he let go of her and as he came to stand beside her she pressed her shoulder to his, leaning against him within the rush of the river. That had been...unexpected. But oh so satisfying. He shifted beside her and she stood on her own, watching him as her breathing eased into a more natural pace and closing her eyes when the water was allowed to trickle down her neck. It stung though perhaps not so strongly as it originally had. Maybe there would be no second set of bite marks added to the first. Tahlia turned her head to his as he sighed against her, and found herself laughing gently when he suggested for a second time that they return to their den. "Do you really mean that?" she asked, her tone teasing as she leaned her head to nuzzle the back of his neck where he rested his head against her shoulder, "or do you intend to surprise me another time before we get there?" For all she knew now it could have been a very likely possibility.

She sighed as she closed her eyes, considering, before she took a step back to put just a little space of distance between herself and Bane. "We better go," she agreed, smiling. "Before either one of us does something to cause another delay." And before she could give him a chance to do just that she turned and hurriedly made for the riverbank, pausing just long enough to shake the water from her coat and cast a quick glance his way before she set off back toward the den, hardly expecting her lead over him to be kept for long.