
Viridian Faun Black


06-13-2014, 02:27 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Requiem

How did you get here?: I rode my unicorn :3

Age: 15

Character's Name: Viridian Faun Black

Age: Pup - not yet born

Season of Birth: Winter

Adult Height: 31 inches

Appearance Description: As a pup, Faun will be an adorable lump of snowy white fur. Her pelt will have a downy quality to it when she is young, but as she grows and matures it will take on a strangely luminescent quality. Her fur will be brilliant and metallic, described as almost silvery. This will be most noticeable in the moonlight. Her overall appearance will compliment the strange pelt, and she will have an incredible air of mystery and beauty about her.

Faun will inherit an eye color from each of her parents, with the right iris being a luxurious violet and the left iris being a clear and shining blue. She will have a series of strange markings on her face, very similar to those that belong to her mother. Her eyes will each be decorated with strange curves on the insides and marks that color the entirety of her lids. She will also have rounded twin curls on the sides of her snout. Another marking that will tie the pup to her mother will be a thin black band that runs down the length of her back. Her final marking, and the one that will attract the most attention, will be the delicate cross that adorns her right shoulder. This mark will tie her not only to her mother, but to all of the Black family.

Her frame will be average for a wolf, but her figure will appear to be far more feminine and curved. Her legs will be willowy and her gait, overall, will be graceful. She will normally hold modesty and innocence in her posture, and she is smart enough to know when respect is due. Faun has a level head on her shoulders, and is one of the few beauties that will be pure and untouched.

Proof of Purchases:

Cross on right shoulder .... [URL=]