
Curious Minds Meet



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2014, 03:05 PM
Erani Adravendi

As the strange male backed over the border to the proper side, Erani turned her attention to Cecily, one of those calm stares boring into the green eyes of the pup. ?He may not be a stranger to you, but until he is accepted by myself, Surreal, or Sephiroth, he is not a member of Valhalla. He could easily have been a danger to the pack, or to you.? Her eyes turned to Bass. ?However, given your polite manners, and the fact that you don?t make my hackles rise, I doubt you are a danger to us.? She considered his reaction to her abrupt appearance. He had, in that shot moment, put himself between the perceived danger and Cecily. Also, he was a Destruction. Could just be a coincidental match to Song Destruction?s surname, but somehow, she didn?t think so. There was a similarity in his build to Songs, so she decided to let him have a chance.

?Bass Destruction, you did react honorably to my abrupt intrusion. You didn?t know who I was, so you put yourself between Cecily and the danger you perceived. Thus, I will grant you a home in the pack, as an Epsilon of Valhalla. Work hard, and you will rise in the ranks. I should like to see whether you would fit best as a hunter, or a fighter, or even a healer, in due course. I also should tell you that to the far east is a pack led by a Destruction. Song Destruction. I?m not sure if you are related, but I thought you should be aware. We are Allied with Ludicael, Ebony, and Possibly with Olympus, the pack directly neighboring this one. We?ve secured a Peace Treaty with Glaciem, the pack furthest north. Peace treaty or no, be wary around them. Their northerly neighbor is Tortuga, and I haven?t yet had a meeting with the leader of Tortuga to see where we stand. If you run across a Tortugan, be civil, aye?? She paused to let him absorb the information.

Stepping forward, Erani approached the mail, brushing her tail over the male?s shoulder and frame. It was a clear mark of his acceptance, and would be recognized by the wolves in her pack as her mark of approval. ?Welcome to Valhalla, Bass.? Her voice was warm and easy, an as she turned her eyes to Cecily, she smiled. Her head lowered, giving the pup a like lick across the forehead. ?You should check in with your mother soon. Knowing her, she?ll be worried by now.? The smile turned to a grin, before she began padding into the territory, calling over her shoulder. ?Make yourself at home, Bass. My den is that large hill you see at the inner edge of the Plains, covered in trees. You?ll know it when you find it. Should you ever need help, just call for me, or one of the high ranking wolves.?

With that, she padded easily away, tail swaying gently.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think