
share, care, hug like a bear


06-13-2014, 04:11 PM

Adelaide was correct in thinking that this queen had come to share the cure. But in order to receive it, Raisa would need to agree to an alliance. She seemed very eager to do so, thought for reasons unknown Hajime began to quietly caution her. It was clear that he had encountered this scarlet maiden before, but the healer was not yet sure whether that encounter was a friendly one or not. Either way, obtaining the cure was crucial in this moment. The snowy female dared to voice her opinion, showing her support for the Ebony queen. "I agree that caution is necessary in affairs like these, but what other choice is there? Those who have fallen to the plague are in desperate need of this cure." Sapphire eyes locked onto the small package, peering with curiosity at the items inside. What could it be? What knowledge has failed her all this time? Other than her short outburst, Adelaide stayed silent. It was not her place to make the decision. She instead trusted Raisa to arrive at the best solution. Elijah, too, was quiet. He shifted nervously to the woman's other shoulder, sharp eyes watching the whole exchange.

"Adelaide Speech"
"Elijah Speech"