


06-13-2014, 05:41 PM
The wraith is oblivious to his looming presence as she traipses aimlessly through the thick vegetation that swarms the field, muzzle barely sweeping above the grasses as her nostrils fruitlessly attempt to pinpoint her brother?s tainted scent. The effort is futile; however, her ears are more inclined to detect any trace of her wayward kin as he unleashes a beckon for her that is long overdue ( in her biased eyes, anyway ), ensnaring her attention immediately as the phantom deity registers its familiarity. Skull ascends to its full apex as her cryptic gaze ravages her surroundings for his pallid form, trepidation flaring within her broadened chest as her pupils lock upon his behemoth physique. Relief washes over the queen of carnage as she scrutinizes her littermate from afar only to find that he is unscathed--and yet, this only fuels the paladin with further curiosity; why had he fled from the proximities of his own whore? Unwilling to wallow in unanswered questions any longer, the Elysius tyrant pushes onward, destination clear.

She holds no authority--retains no crown and occupies no throne--and yet, her adopted poise emanates sheer confidence, chin held high and breast inflated with self-imposed pride; though her immaculate stance is entirely effortless. Although intense emotion swarms beneath pallid flesh as her mismatched gaze remains stagnant upon her brother?s form, the porcelain folds of her scarred countenance retain little expression--she has been hardened by her past encounters with her brother and knows not what to expect. As she approaches him, her velveteen nostrils flare as she indulges in his familiar scent, contempt minutely prickling beneath her skin as she takes immediate notice of Devya?s repulsive stench that has been intertwined within his own; so he had reunited with the whore prior to this meeting? A frown threatens to tug at her frayed lips and yet she surpasses it in favor of maintaining an indifferent facade, robust limbs refusing to propel her any further once she had breached a close enough proximity to her sibling. ?Ares?? the paladin murmurs, uncertainty shrouding her thoughts as she contemplates the impending conversation. ?Ares, I?? she tries again, and yet, no matter how many times she had pictured this reunion in her head, she is lost for words.