
Solo Patrol



4 Years
06-13-2014, 11:01 PM

Thor was trying his hardest to provide the girls with a structured environment. He didn't know the first thing about child-rearing, but that had to be important, right? In any case, he enjoyed the routine and it appeared to be working for the girls. Soon enough he'd begin teaching them self-defense but until now it had been mostly about hunting, killing prey and basic protective measures, like running the border he'd marked out around their territory.

Returning from a successful hunt, Thor crossed the border with a white rabbit swinging from his jaws. The brute had taken to hunting beyond their borders in the hopes that there would be plenty of prey within for the girls to chose from, if they so desired to take up solo hunting. His fear was that they wouldn't find anything, become discouraged and give up. To improve their odds, he was considering catching and releasing small game win the heart of their territory, but even he recognized that doing so would be a bit extreme.

Howling to alert the others of his catch, Thor then flopped down and promptly rolled over onto his back. The cold felt good on his back so the brute shimmied around a bit to work the flakes in. He stopped once he noticed a small brown form approaching. Turning his head so he wasn't looking at her upside down, he rumbled a greeting. "Bearcub." Whether or not Thor liked it, little Aksel had a point. With those lopped off ears Bera did look like a bear cub. From there the nickname had stuck and although it was still very new, Thor liked the feel of it.

Bera appeared to be walking the border and as soon as that registered with him, Thor felt a flutter of pride in his chest. It was proof that his lessons were indeed sticking and not only that, but she was willing to do it without him asking. Maybe he wasn't so terrible at this "raising" thing after all. "See anything interesting out there?" He said, wanting to acknowledge her actions but unwilling to highlight them too much for fear she would outright reject an obvious nod of approval.

Speaking -
- Thinking
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]