
These things come and go

Athena I


9 Years
06-13-2014, 11:58 PM

Athena watched silently as he growled and shook his head, taking his apology with only a flick of her ears as acknowledgment. She managed to give him a nod in agreement to be careful before he turned and stalked away. She sighed when he had finally disappeared into the trees. "I'm sorry too," she whispered to herself. Sometimes she wished she could do things without over analyzing their reasons or their affects, but that wasn't who she was. Maybe by the time they had finally found the cure she would have her emotions in order. At least, she hoped that was the case.

She turned her attention back to Etern's body. She hadn't been particularly close to him, but he was still family so his death was a hard one to take. Traitorous or not. She stood there in silence for several moments before she finally forced herself to move. She went to one of the near by pines before beginning to dig at its base. It took a while, but she finally felt like she had opened up a large enough hole for the male to fit in. With a sigh she shook some of the dirt from her fur and padded back over to him, carefully grasping the male's scruff to drag him over to the grave she had dug. She tried her best to touch as little of him as possible, keeping her brother's words in mind. Once he was buried she sighed and looked at the earthen mound in the middle of a field of snow. Soon enough the dirt would settle, snow would cover the patch, and Etern would be a memory.

In her heart she knew she had already forgiven Vereux for what he had done, but what would the rest of the family think? Would they find out? She hoped maybe everyone would just think he ran off as many of their family had before, hoped this whole incident would just blow away in the wind. She turned away, heading to wash off the dirt and traces of blood from her pelt and to mull over everything that had just happened.
