
save me


06-14-2014, 02:29 AM

He allowed her to do pretty much whatever she wanted, allowing her to lap at his cheeks and wrap a forepaw around his shoulders so white dipped paw rested between his shoulder blades. It felt so easy, so natural to be laying there with him. Had his eyes always been that pretty? Funny how she had never really noticed anymore. Even funnier, though not really, was the fact that she had been so worried about him. She hadn't thought twice about curling up beside him and spending the night here rather then in her own den with her mate. Desiree was just as sick. And even now that she had found the cure she was pained to leave, pained to go to her mate to give her the herbs. Instead all she could do was look at him, a soft smile spreading across inky lips as she studied him. But as he spoke, agreeing to her terms she would clear her throat, allowing eyes to close as chin tipped down as paw slipped from his shoulders. She couldn't be thinking these kinds of things. What did any of this even mean? It seemed that every time she was around him her heart fluttered and jumped which was awful for two reasons. One, he was ridiculously younger then her. Two, she had a mate! A mate she loved? Right? "What would I do without you Cru?" She said after a moment, head lifting to smile gently at him, an earnest smile she had never really shown before, one that actually touched her eyes. "I don't want to go?" Voice was a whisper as she finally looked back to him, once again locking her gaze with his. Did he want her to leave? Did he feel the same as she did?