
save me



2 Years
06-14-2014, 02:52 AM

He was still somewhat addled and felt at his weakness with his limbs heavy about him. He knew he would have long days ahead before he was truly right and ready to take on the responsibility she gave to him. But he knew also that he must prove himself equal to them, built up his strength and know the wolves of this pack as well as he had come to know its land. He was so lost in his thoughts he almost did not notice the expressions that crossed her face, her hesitation, but he did hear her words.

His eyes would lift, a soft expression of wonderment in his eyes as he brought his attention back to her, and took in her soft beauty, even more radiant by the smile that took her. ?I have every confidence that you would get on fine? he joked softly through an oddly horse throat. There something intense and brilliant about her that caught at his breath, his being. He expected the moment to simply pass, but it didn't. She held onto it and further words would slip her lips and his eyes followed her every moment. Vi was the strong, sexy independent and slightly crazy woman who had gained his full respect more successfully then even his own family had. Yet in all that time he had not realised that he in turn might actually be important to her in more ways then her trust in his ability to handle Beta. She did not want to leave him, and in his sickness she had come to him. ?Vi...? his voice was hoarse again, but he cought himself, and smiled. ?I, and the pack will be waiting right here from you. I promise I wont somehow lose Covari in your absence? he teased, the strange image of exiting his den and the land having been moved around in his sleep jumped to mind and added to his smile.
