
FREEDOM (Oh, and a little drowning)



8 Years

06-14-2014, 06:28 AM

There was no sweeter scent, no sweeter moment, no sweeter anything then her first moment of freedom. She could leap and bound and cry and dance. She could touch the sky and nothing could ever way her down again. With a squeal and a giggle, and even a little half scream in the mix the girl would dive into the waters of Wolfpaw Lake. After her little bout of sickness she decided she utterly adored water. It was fresh and clean and smelled absolutely wonderful ? unlike how the child had smelled not so long ago.

She was utterly intent on challenging herself, pushing herself harder and further. She was going to catch the biggest and mightiest prey of the forest? somehow, prove to her siblings that she was ready again to face the world. Her dive scent her splashing into the waters with a little tidal wave in its path. With a gasp she pushed herself back to the surface and squealing swam right out into the heart of the lake.

She splashed and kicked and made a right fuss until she was there, and panting heavily looked at the shores that surrounded her and smiled triumphantly. Her little paws where kicking away and her breath only got heavier, panting so hard now she could hardly breath in fact. Every so often her head would dip under the water. What was this, she had swum to the middle of the lake before! She puffed heavily, trying to think. She felt so weak and tired now, that dratted illness must have made her less able. For half a second she almost cried wondering if she would be permanently damaged and weaker then she had been before, but only for a second, after all she had bigger concerns. Her little paws tried to kick harder, but she was just too tired.
Oh god, she was going to survive a long and horrible illness only to drown... she let out a huffed howl through wheezing lungs. ?VAAAAAAAAAAAL? and that one name was all she could manage.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]