
I am not my own


06-14-2014, 12:30 PM

They were both elegant. He had the charm of a thousand Kings and the looks of a God. He might as well have his on throne. Everyone bowed before him with just a glance. He was completely enveloped in nobility, as she was. It was nice to meet another royal, he was tired of the normal harlots and peasants he came across. His eyes swept across her lovely pelt. He tried to recognize any of the markings, yet he did not. Even if she was not there for the war, she seemed to remember a little bit due to her lovely vocals that filled the air. "I feel.. like I remember parts of that story. I don't remember it happening though, my family reigned in Seracia and I'm rather young to recall everything." He tried to remember the pack Seracia, he knew they were the enemy, but he did not bother to notice them. He did not notice a lot, due to his lack of interest. With her next set of words the boy rolled his broad shoulders, "I will assume you are not a part of Glaciem..?" He nodded and shifted his weight slightly, "I left after the war, I was very tired of the meaningless battles over some girl in another pack. It was silly, putting our family at risk for a single man." The man pointed his nose up slightly, obviously annoyed from the thoughts of his past.