
The Woman in Me (Needs the Man in You)



8 Years
06-14-2014, 01:51 PM
It had been a while since the dark colored fae was healed by some of the Vanhalla pack members. She was refreshed and rejuvenated, able to go with Kar wherever he wished to go alongside her. The smell of blood soon caught her senses, unsure of what was making the odor that was familiar to every wolf around in this land and region. Her crimson pools scanned the area for anything suspicious, but soon found nothing that would have to be worrying to her or to her friend that was walking beside her, their paws crunching on the snow and hard ground. Nalyda yipped as her paw was cut on a small shard of ice that had a very sharp edge to it. It was hard to walk around without having the ground breaking underneath their paws and making them move at an uneven pace.

"Damn ice," she cursed under her breath and licked the crimson that was slowly dripping from the black colored pads of her paws. She lied down and licked continuously and was able to make it stop, soon standing and walking once more, crimson eyes soon coming across a small herd of deer that were deceased. She wasn't sure if the epidemic had caught some of them as well, but the bellowing of a fawn that had lost it's mother caused her to be on edge.

The femme approached the deceased harem, the fawn dashing away and hiding in the bushes. She paid no heed to it for the moment as she looked to see claw marks, knowing that it had to be a pack or a few rogues that ad teamed up to kill this small herd of deer. "I would never kill a deer that had a fawn with her, and that fawn will not survive without it's mother." The fawn had still kept its head down and staying low like what its mother had taught it to do so it wouldn't be spotted by predators. She looked to Kar. "I don't know what to do, this is really odd to me, and I don't know what I can do right now."