
Prodigal Sister



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-14-2014, 05:39 PM
OOC: All I have for her are puppy tables from when she was played before me. She's not a puppy anymore! lol. I need to remedy that...

Mismatched paws beat a quick-time cadence as they carried her back into Alacratia. No fanfare to mark her return, nothing to remark upon, but that humble entrance was the norm rather than the exception for this girl. Besides, the world would know soon enough. Cascade Saxe had come home.

Anticipation vied with anxiety in her chest. Her family were here, somewhere. Her mother, her littermates. Long ago had she wandered and gotten lost, doomed to wander farther and farther from home until she had left the lands of her family completely, left Alacratia. Though she knew it not, her mother had been locked in battle when she'd disappeared, and had anyone gone looking for her it was long after her scent had faded. So she'd wandered.

Life alone as a pup, always on the edge of starvation and desperation, had changed her deeply. Where once honor and honesty had held the highest meaning to her, now she cared only for survival. Would Neios and Nausica even recognize her, if she found them again? Would her mother? Were any of them even alive?

She stopped short, raising her nose to breath deeply the air barely remembered from her childhood, and excitement flooded through her. Though she'd found no trace of her family, she could recognize this place. Not specifically - she couldn't recall if she'd ever been here. But it was as familiar to her as the salt-water stench of the coastline she'd raised herself upon. Home.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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